Community Care Assessments.

A community care assessment is a process carried out by social services in the UK to determine the needs of an individual who requires assistance with daily living tasks. The assessment is designed to identify the specific needs of the individual and to determine the best course of action to provide them with the necessary support and care. 

What is a Community Care Assessment?

A community care assessment is a process carried out by social services in the UK to determine the needs of an individual who requires assistance with daily living tasks. The assessment is designed to identify the specific needs of the individual and to determine the best course of action to provide them with the necessary support and care.

The assessment is usually carried out by a social worker or other trained professional who will talk to the individual and their family or carer, if appropriate. The assessment will cover a range of areas, including personal care, mobility, medication, and home environment.

If you or a loved one needs help with daily living activities or struggles with a health condition, you may be eligible for Community Care services. We offer advice and support when Social Care are undertaking Community Care Assessments to determine what support you need to improve your quality of life.

Types of Community Care Assessments.

There are several different types of community care assessments that may be carried out depending on the individual’s needs. These assessments include:

Initial Assessment

An initial assessment is carried out when an individual first requests community care services. This assessment will determine whether the individual is eligible for support and what their needs are. It should also include a financial assessment to determine whether the individual is required to contribute towards the cost of their care.


A reassessment is carried out when an individual's needs change or when their existing support package is due for review. This assessment will determine whether the individual's support package needs to be adjusted to reflect their changing needs.

Mental Capacity Assessment

A mental capacity assessment is carried out when there is a concern that an individual may be unable to make decisions about their care and support. This assessment will determine whether the individual has the mental capacity to make decisions about their care and, if not, who should make these decisions on their behalf.

Carer's Assessment

A carer's assessment is carried out to assess the needs of an individual's primary carer. This assessment will determine whether the carer requires support to continue providing care and what support would be appropriate.

Call now if you are concerned about your Community Care Assessment.

We offer a personalised approach to ensure that Social Care completes a full and detailed assessment in line with the Care Act 2014. So don’t wait – contact us now on 01752 905031 if you have any concerns about how Social Care are undertaking your Community Care assessment and take back control of your life!

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